Based on the desire to recognize efforts of the individuals in the communities we serve, the Board of Directors of Leadership Mitchell County has established the Leadership Mitchell County Community Service Award. Each calendar year, the award recognizes the significant leadership efforts of an individual or entity that have impacted their community. A committee composed of Leadership Mitchell County Board members, community civic leaders, and community volunteer leaders select the recipient to be recognized from the nominations received.
One of the finest qualities that can be found in local Kansans is their desire to make a difference in their community. Whether involved in improving the welfare of their community or improving the quality of life for individuals residing in their community, these citizens continue to stay active in their community, excelling at leveraging and mentoring others to perform community volunteer work. Community leaders tend to give freely of their time and skills.
Past recipients of the LMC Community Service award include:
Bob Severance
Max & Michele Heidrick
Vickie Mears
Jay Rowh
Linda Clover
John & Pat Cashatt
Dorothy Wilson
Scott & Mary Jane Chapman
Charles & Barbara Axtell
Nominations will be reviewed, and each nominee will be considered based on their level of personal contributions, the impact of their personal commitments, the broadness of their impact, and the sustainability of their impact. Leadership Mitchell County wants to honor and recognize these nominees for their efforts and the impact that they have in their community.
If you know of someone who has had a positive impact in your community and you feel that they should be considered as a potential recipient of the Leadership Mitchell County Community Service Award, please complete a nomination form and forward the completed form to Leadership Mitchell County.
Nominations for consideration must be received by February 25, 2025.